Monday 8 May 2017

Cheesy movies - Embrace your inner cheese!

For all our love of the power and effect of brilliant filmmaking sometimes all we crave is that guilty pleasure, that big block of cinematic cheddar - the infamous cheesy movie. We may all like to showcase our artistic tastes by listing off our favourite classics but bury our love of all film related cheese like a dirty secret - but why? Cheesy movies bring unbridled unadulterated joy!
Shout out the title of that favourite embarrassing flick - Embrace your inner cheese!
These movies were made for sheer enjoyment and should be savoured for what they are! Leave the high brow synopsis for another day and relish the movie that purposely (or accidentally) epitomises cheese at every turn - they may not win Oscars but they will always have a postive effect!
For the sake of argument I have listed 5 such movies below and I implore you - either directly through the comments section of this blog or via social media to list similar movies that favour cheese over substance:

1. Top Gun  - laced with Tom Criuses cheesy grin this is one that evokes fellings of nostalgia and happiness!
2. Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure - Keanu supplies the cheese in a movie that just can't bring you down!
3. The Princess Bride - A romance adventure movie that will never ever grate!
4. Footloose - A movie that couldn't be cheddar at getting those feet dancing!
5. The Karate Kid - What could be brie better than this 80's classic?

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