Thursday 2 February 2017

Escapism in Cinema - Needed now more than ever

Since its birth, one of the main benefits of  the movie theater has always been its ability to become this place where someone can escape and suspend reality for a couple of hours and immerse themselves in this fantastical world playing out before their very eyes.
With all the changes that technology and society have brought throughout the years, that is the one thing that hasn't changed - our ability to get lost in that screen in front of us!
Now more than ever this need for escapism is more prominent than ever for lots of different reasons, some obvious, some not so much.
Firstly, at the risk of getting too political or morose, the world as we know it is changing dramatically. Politics, beliefs, and human rights are being threatened at every turn so a release from this and a return to a happier medium of entertainment as opposed to the social media hysteria or fake news and propaganda we are constantly being forcefully fed is most welcome. Two hours of a Jedi's adventures is a welcome break from Donald Trumps last twitter outburst, in any country!
The speed at which society operates has changed dramatically now also, and not for the better. Everything has to be instant, our food, our news, our music. Taking a few hours off to just switch off , is not just a luxury - it's a necessity.
Our electronic hang ups are also overwhelming us- how many of us watch a TV programme or movie at home whilst simultaenously checking our twitter or facebook feed? We are constantly over stimulating the brain - why not just give it a nice breather and sit back and enjoy a movie?
In an ideal society - that retreat that the movies take our imagination on is a good thing - in a not so ideal society is has become a necessary thing!

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